Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Stifado With Beef

Stifado is Greek term for baby shallots. It taste sweeet and so delicious.
Mostly you can find Stifado menu in all Greek restaurant in Greece. Because I am not guarantee if there is baby shallots around your neighborhood.. just kidding!

Here the recipe for Stifado cook with beef.

1 kg beef cut into chunk
1 kg stifado
3 tomatoes
2 lebanon leaf
2 table-spoons of tomato paste.
1/2 nutmeg crushed (put it into a bag and hit it with a rolling pin!)
1 cinnamon stick and 3 cloves.
4 garlic cloves - finely chopped.
Rosemary sprig or two.
5 spoons of extra-virgin olive oil.
1 glass of water.
2 table-spoons of vinegar.
Fresh coarsely ground black pepper and salt.


1. Saute 500 gr stifado with beef untul golden brown. Add garlic, nutmeg, cinnamon and rosemary and cloves.
2. Add tomatoes slices and water. Cover until beef tender.
3. Add tomato paste and vinegar
4. Finally add another 500 stifado, balck pepper and salt. Cook until stifado soft.

Serve with spaghetty or rice.

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