Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

Jadwal Talk Show Resep Sehat dan Awet Muda

Undangan Talk Show
Hidangan Favorit Mediterania

Sabtu, 8 Nopember 2008
Blitzmegaplex,lantai 8, MH Thamrin no.1 Jakarta Pusat

Kepada yth. Para Blogger

Dengan mengucapkan puji Syukur Kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang,
Kami akan menyelenggarakan Talk Show Menguak Rahasia Bangsa Mediterania: Resep Sehat dan Awet Muda dalam rangka peluncuran Buku Hidangan Favorit ala Mediterania,
yang akan diselenggarakan pada:

Hari; Sabtu, 8 Nopember 2008
Waktu: 13.30 – 17.30 WIB
Tempat: Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia, lantai 8, MH Thamrin –Jakarta Pusat

Pembicara :

• Edit Sumedi (Sekjen DPP Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia)
• Andang Gunawan (Pelopor Foodcombining)
• Kintan Umari (Mantan Model)

Merupakan suatu kehormatan bagi kami jika Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/Saudari, dapat hadir dan meluangkan waktu datang berdiskusi dan berdialog dengan kami.

Hormat dan Salam kami:

Hartati Nurwijaya (Penulis)
HIkmah Mizan (Penerbit)

Undangan Gratis & banyak Door Prize bagi hadirin!

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Puyung Hi (Puyung hai)

Puyung hi! Puyung Hai is my first recipe which is won as the fisrt winner Food Festival Contest in SMA N 4 Jakarta.

I was in second grade high school when The Dean announced Cooking Competition. The Dean is a woman. Maybe she loves cooking too.

The rule is every student shold make a group form by 3 students.
The recipe should be original, not expensive, easy to cook and full of nutritions.

Here my Puyung Hi (Puying Hai)

4 eggs
100 gr mince beef meat
10 Indonesian onion or one big shallot chopped
1 glove garlic chopped
10 gr celery chopped
salt and pepper
2 table spoon vegetable oil or olive oil

2 ripe tomatoes blender
1 garlic
2 red chilli chopped
30 greenpeas
1 tea spoon sugar
1 tea spoon corn flour

Cook tomato sauce together with garlic, chilli, sugar and salt. When it boiled pour some greenpeas. To make sauce thick add some corn flour.


Whisk eggs in large bowl together with mince meat, garlic, onion, salt and pepper. Bitting until mix well. Then finally add some chopped celery. Prepare pan with oil.
Pour eggs into to hot pan. Then cook with low heat and cover. Becareful when you turn upside of the puyung hai. Use big plate to cover.

Serve hot with sauce

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008

Fried Rice Quick and Easy

This morning whilist I was writing suddenly I smelt fried rice. As matter of fact there is nobody cook. Maybe just because I am hungry.
I run way to kitchen and start cooking.

Fried rice:

300 gr steam rice
1 egg
3 tbs olive oil
20 green peas
1 shallot/onion chopped
2 garlic gloves crushed
2 table spoon sweet soy sauce
Salt and pepper


Saute onion, green peas and garlic until golden brown with 3tbs olive oil. Pour egg.
Add steam rice and stirr until all ingredients mixing well.
Stir for about 5 minutes. Then add soy sauce, salt and pepper.
Serve hot.

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008

Salmon Soup Unique Recipe

Every Tuesday and Friday, here in Megara there is Laiki. Laiki is Greek street market. Fisherman, farmer selling their product direct to people around the city.

In Laiki you can find fresh fish and fresh vegetables. This Friday I bought some fish. I interested to the head of salmon, because in Jakarta I used to have lunch in Pasar Senen close to my former office. My favourite menu is the head of big red snapper cook with hot spicy coconut milk.

In Greece my family can't stand with hot food. I cook a head of salmon in this way.


1 head of Salmon
1 big shallots chopped
1 fresh onion chopped
2 gloves garlic chopped
3 cm ginger
3 cm galangal
1 lemon grass
1 carrot
1 tomato
1 table spoon selery
1 chilli chopped
2 cup water


Saute onion and garlic until golden brown, add ginger, galangal, lemon grass, carrot. Then put head fish in. Pour water. Cook about 10 minutes. Before serving add tomato, fresh onion, selery and chilli.